PowerCon XT 630 transformator på vei til Sotra Link
PowerCon XT 630 kVA 1000/400V «Step Down» Transformator til Sotra Link-prosjektet PowerCon XT 630 kVA 1000/400V «Step Down» transformator er nå på vei til det
Scandinavian Energy Group was established in 2022 when several established companies came together to create an innovative conglomerate consisting of businesses in the delivery of energy facilities and energy optimization.
The conglomerate consists of five companies with a combined revenue of approximately 250 million NOK and over 100 employees.
We have specialized expertise and extensive experience in steam and heat technology, cooling, heat exchange, welding, and industrial piping work.
We ensure that as our customer, you can focus on your core business and benefit from the most cost-effective systems, services, and products, regardless of the industry and size of your company.
Environmental consciousness is an important part of our corporate philosophy, and therefore, energy conservation, environmental protection, and social responsibility are highly prioritized by us.
We are available and provide services throughout the country. We handle both well-planned projects and advanced urgent assignments, and we can deliver equipment and personnel on short notice.
We have specialized expertise and extensive experience in all types of industrial pipe work, mechanical work in the Norwegian food industry, as well as steam and heat technology.
Leading provider of rental solutions for temperature control. Specialists in the rental of heating, cooling, ventilation, and energy solutions, as well as the sale of related products and services.
We provide skilled personnel for various assignments in the onshore and oil industries. We also have a workshop facility where we undertake production in the fields of welding, piping, plate work, and mechanical engineering. We offer tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of our customers.
We are a total provider of electrical systems. We offer electrical installations, troubleshooting, internal control, and service for both high-voltage and low-voltage systems, catering to both professional and private markets.
We provide a range of services in the areas of district heating, cooling systems, decommissioning of oil-fired heating systems, servicing, hydronic heating, and heat pumps. Our services cover both small and large projects.
We are a total provider for all types of process systems related to steam, condensate, hot water, and high-temperature water, as well as Waste To Energy (WTE) projects. We offer comprehensive solutions, including design, installation, maintenance, and optimization of these systems to meet the specific needs of our clients.
PowerCon XT 630 kVA 1000/400V «Step Down» Transformator til Sotra Link-prosjektet PowerCon XT 630 kVA 1000/400V «Step Down» transformator er nå på vei til det
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